The Excellent Qualities of the Sūrahs of the Qur'ān (Part 2)
Translation from al-Itqān of Imam as-Suyūtī - Part 2 following from the previous post. Parantheses my own.
The second part that follows is of narrations concerning the (virtues of) specific sūrahs.
What has been narrated about the Fātihah
Ubayy ibn Ka’b (r.a.) related that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Allah did not send down, neither in the Taurāh nor in the Injīl, the equivalent of the Umm al-Qur’ān (the very essence of the Qur’ān), and that is the seven oft-repeated verses.” [at-Tirmidhiy, al-Hākim, an-Nasā’ī]
Abdullah ibn Jābir (r.a.) related that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The best of all sūrahs in the Qur’ān is, Alhamdulillāhi Rabbil ‘Ālamīn.” [Ahmad and others]
Anas (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The most excellent (afdal) of the Qur’ān is, Alhamdulillāhi Rabbil ‘Ālamīn.” [al-Bayhaqī in ash-Shu’ab]
Abū Sa’īd ibn al-Mu’allā (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The most magnificent sūrah of the Qur’ān is, Alhamdulillāhi Rabbil ‘Ālamīn.” [al-Bukhāriy]
Abdullah ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The Fātihah of the Book is equivalent to two-thirds of the Qur’ān.” [‘Abdullah in his Musnad and ‘Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad]
What has been narrated concerning al-Baqarah and Āli ‘Imrān
Abū ‘Ubayd has recorded from Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Shaytān leaves the house when he hears Surah al-Baqarah being recited therein.”
Also found in the chapters on what have been narrated from Ibn Mas’ūd, Abū Hurayrah and Abdullah ibn Mughaffal (r.a.).
Muslim and at-Tirmidhiy have recorded a hadith from an-Nawwās ibn Sam’ān who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, “The Qur’ān will be brought on the Day of Qiyāmah with its people (who were truthful to it and) who acted by it, and Surah al-Baqarah and Ālu ‘Imrān will precede them.” (He, the narrator, continued): "The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave three examples for both the sūrahs which I forgot afterwards." He said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, “They both (al-Baqarah and Ālu ‘Imrān) are like two dark clouds, or depths going down (below the earth like in wells and the roots of trees), or like two great canopies (preceding the people of the Qur’ān) between which will be an elevated place (in another narration: “between it will be a great light”); or (he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) they are both like two flocks of birds in rows advancing before their companion (who recited them and acted upon them) to plead on his behalf.”
Ahmad has recorded a hadīth from Buraydah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Learn Surah al-Baqarah, for surely taking it is a blessing and leaving it will be a cause for grief and regret. Those whose lives are founded on the bātil (that which Allah does not approve of and which will crumble when it encounters the Truth) cannot learn them (the two surahs). Learn Surah al-Baqarah and Āli ‘Imrān, the two radiant lights that give shelter to their companion on the Day of Qiyāmah like two great clouds or two great depths or two flocks of birds flying in rows.”
Ibn Hibbān and others have recorded a hadīth narrated by Sahl ibn Sa’d from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said:
“Everything has its sanām (anything that is raised as a hump like the hump of a camel or the hump on a grave; it also means that which is elevated) and the sanām of the Qur’ān is Sūrah al-Baqarah. He who recites it in his house in the day, Shaytān does not enter the house for three days and he who recites it in the night, Shaytān does not enter the house for three nights.”
Al-Bayhaqiy has recorded a hadīth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in ash-Shu’ab via as-Salsāl: “Whoever recites Surah al-Baqarah, will be given to wear a crown in Jannah.”
Abū ‘Ubayd has recorded a mauqūf hadīth from ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (r.a.) who said, “Whoever recites Surah al-Baqarah and Ālu ‘Imrān in a night will be decreed to belong to the devout worshippers (qāniteen).”
Al-Bayhaqiy has recorded a mursal hadith from Mukhal that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“He who recites Surah al-Baqarah and Āli-‘Imrān on the day of jumu’ah the angels will send blessings on him until nightfall.”
What have been narrated on the virtues of the Āyat al-Kursiy (verse 255 of Surah al-Baqarah)
Muslim has recorded a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Ubayy ibn Ka’b (r.a.):
“The most magnificent verse in the Book of Allah is the Āyat al-Kursiy.”
At-Tirmidhiy and al-Hākim have recorded a narration from Abū Hurayrah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Certainly there is a sanām for everything and the sanām of the Qur’ān is al-Baqarah, and in it is a verse that is the chief of all the verses of the Qur’ān; (and that is) the Āyat al-Kursiy.”
Al-Hārith ibn Abī Usāmah recorded from al-Hasan a mursal hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The most excellent (sūrah) of the Qur’ān is al-Baqarah, and the most magnificent verse in it is the Āyat al-Kursiy.”
Ibn Hibbān and an-Nasā’iy have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Umāmah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites āyat al-kursiy after every obligatory salāh nothing prevents him from entering the Jannah except death.”
Ahmad has recorded a hadith from Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Āyat al-Kursiy is (equivalent to) a quarter of the Qur’ān.”
What have been narrated on the closing passage of al-Baqarah
The Imams of the six books have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Mas’ūd (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites at night the last two verses of Sūrat al-Baqarah it will – kafatāhu – suffice for him (or kafatāhu can also mean ‘it will restrain him’, meaning restrain him from doing what Allah is not pleased with.)”
Al-Hākim recorded a narration from an-Nu’mān ibn bashīr that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Allah wrote (meaning, revealed) a book two thousand years before He created the samāwāt and the material world, and He sent down two verses from it by which he ended Sūrat al-Baqarah. Shaytān (be it a man or a Jinn) cannot approach for three nights the house in which it is recited.”
What has been narrated concerning the last part of Āli ‘Imrān
Al-Bayhaqiy has recorded a hadith from ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites the last part of Āli ‘Imrān at night, the reward of having worshipped the night in standing will be written for him.”
What has been narrated concerning al-An’ām
Ad-Dārimiy and others have recorded that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (r.a.) said:
“al-An’ām is from the best (or choicest sūrahs) of the Qur’ān.”
What has been narrated about the seven long sūrahs of the Qur’ān – as-sab’u tiwāl (from al-Baqarah till at-Tawbah)
Ahmad and al-Hākim have recorded a hadith narrated by ‘Āishah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever takes the sab’ at-tiwāl he will be good (fahuwa khayrun).” [In the narration found in Ahmad, it is mentioned that he will be a learned man strongly grounded in knowledge (fahuwa Hibrun instead of khayrun both of which words look the same when written without the dots)]
What has been narrated concerning Hūd
At-Tabrāniy has recorded in his al-Awsat, with a problem in the chain, a hadith narrated by ‘Aliy (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The hypocrite will not memorise some sūrahs: Barā’ah, Hūd, Yā Sīn, ad-Dukhān, and ‘Amma Yatasā’alūn.”
What has been narrated concerning the end of al-Isrā
Ahmad has recorded a hadith via Mu’ādh ibn Anas that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
The verse of glory ('izz) is: wa qulil hamdulillāhi lladhī lam yattakhidh waladaw walam yaku(n)llahu shareekun fil Mulki” until the end of the Sūrah.”
What have been narrated concerning al-Kahf
Al-Hākim has recorded a hadith from Abū Sa’eed (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Surah al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, he will granted from (Allah’s) nūr and it will shine for him between the two Jumu’ahs.”
Muslim has recorded a hadith narrated by Abū ad-Dardā’ (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever memorises the first ten verses of Surah al-Kahf will be protected from the fitnah (tribulation) of ad-Dajjāl.”
Ahmad has recorded a hadith from Mu’ādh ibn Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites the beginning part of Surah al-Kahf and its end he will be granted nūr (that will shine on him) from his feet to his head and whosoever recites all of it (Surah al-Kahf) he will be granted nūr (that will shine for him) from the earth (under him) until the samā’.”
Al-Bazzār has recorded a hadith from ‘Umar (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites at night (the last verse of Surah al-Kahf), ‘Faman kāna yarjū liqā’a rabbihī …(till the end of the verse)’ he will be granted nūr (like) from Aden to Makkah the space of which will be filled with the angels.”
What have been narrated concerning Alif Lām Meem as-Sajdah
Abū ‘Ubayd has recorded a mursal hadith from al-Musayyab ibn rāfi’ who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Alif Lām Meem as-Sajdah will come on the Day of al-Qiyāmah having two wings providing shade to its companion (the one who used to recite it), telling him, ‘Nothing stands in your way, nothing stands in your way (Lā sabeela ‘alayk, lā sabeela ‘alayk).’”
He (Abū ‘Ubayd) recorded that Ibn ‘Umar (r.a.) said:
“In Tanzeel as-Sajdah and Tabārak al-Mulk is such excellence that is sixty ranks above the Sūrahs of the Qur’ān that are other than them both.”
What have been narrated concerning Yā Seen
Abū Dāwūd, an-Nasā’iy, Ibn Hibbān and others have recorded a hadith narrated by Ma’qal ibn Yasār that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Yā Seen is the heart of the Qur’ān. A man does not recite it seeking Allah and the abode of the hereafter except that he is forgiven. Recite it over, (or for,) your dead.”
At-Tirmidhiy and ad-Dārimiy have recorded a hadith from Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallau alayhi wa sallam said:
“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’ān is Yā Seen. Whosoever recites Yā Seen, Allah writes for him, in due of his recitation (the reward of) the recitation of the Qur’ān ten times.”
Ad-Darimiy and at-Tabrāniy have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Yā Seen at night seeking Allah’s countenance will be forgiven.”
At-Tabrāniy has recorded a hadith from Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Yā Seen every night without fail and then dies, dies the death of a martyr.”
What have been narrated concerning the Hawāmeem
Abū ‘Ubayd that Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) said:
“Everything has a lubāb (heart of the heart) and the lubāb of the Qur’ān is the Hawāmeem.
Al-Hākim has recorded that Ibn Mas’ūd (r.a.) said:
“The Hawāmeem is the (ornamental) silk brocade (dībāj) of the Qur’ān.”
What has been narrated concerning ad-Dukhān
At-Tirmidhiy and others have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Hā Meem ad-Dukhān at night, sees his day with seventy thousand angels seeking forgiveness for him.”
What has been narrated concerning the Mufassal (Surah Qāf till the end of the Qur’ān)
Ad-Dārimiy has recorded that Ibn Mas’ūd (r.a.) has said:
“Everything has a lubāb and the lubāb of the Qur’ān is the Mufassal.”
Al-Bayhaqiy has recorded a hadith from ‘Aliy (r.a.) who related that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Everything has a bridegroom (‘arūs), and the bridegroom of the Qur’ān is ar-Rahmān.”
Ahmad, Abū Dāwūd, at-Tirmidhiy, and an-Nasā-iy recorded a hadith related by ‘Irbād ibn Sāriyah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu used to recite the musabbihāt every night before lying down to sleep and used to say, “In them is a verse that is better (in rank) than a thousand verses.”
Ibn Katheer said in his commentary to the verse referred to (in the above hadīth) that it is the third verse of Sūrah al-Hashr: “He is the First and the Last, and the Outwardly Manifest and the Inwardly Hidden, and He has knowledge of everything.”
Ibn as-Sunnī recorded a hadith related by Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised a man to recite Sūrah al-Hashr when going to bed saying, “If you die, you will die as a martyr.”
At-Tirmidhiy recorded a hadith from Ma’qal ibn Yasār that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites when morning comes the last three verses of Sūrah al-Hashr Allah will entrust him with seventy thousand angels who will pray for blessings on him until night falls. If he dies that day, he will die a martyr. Whosoever recites them when night falls, he will be on the same state (the same applies to him till the next morning).”
Al-Bayhaqiy recorded a hadith related by Abū Umāmah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites the closing verses of Sūrah al-Hashr at night or in the morning, and then dies during that day or night, Allah makes it a duty upon Himself to admit him into the Garden (al-jannah)."
The four ( Imāms of hadith other than Bukhāriy and Muslim out of the six), Ibn Hibbān, and al-Hākim have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“In the Qur’ān is a surah with thirty verses that intercede for the man (who recites it) until he is forgiven: Tabārakalladhee biyadihil mulk.”
At-Tirmidhiy has recorded a hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“It is that which guards (al-Māni’ah); it is that which rescues (al-Munajjiyah), from the punishment of the grave.”
Al-Hākim recorded a hadith from him (Ibn ‘Abbās r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“I love that it is in the heart of every mu’min: Tabārakalladhee biyadihil mulk.”
An-Nasā-iy recorded a hadith from Ibn Mas’ūd (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Tabārakalladhee biyadihil mulk every night, Allah will guard him by it (the sūrah) from the torments of the grave.”
Abū ‘Ubayd recorded that Abū Tamīm (r.a.) narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“I have been made to forget the best of the Musabbihāt.” Ubayy ibn Ka’b then said, “Perhaps it is Sabbihisma rabbikal a’lā?” He said (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Yes.”
Abū Nu’aym recorded in his (book) The Companions (of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) a hadith narrated by Ismā’īl ibn Abī Hakīm al-Muzaniy, the companion, who attributed the following to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam:
“Allah hears the recitation of Lam yakunilladheen kafarū and says, “O my servant, I give you glad tidings; I take an oath by my own glory (‘izzah) I will certainly grant you (the privilege of choosing) a place in the Garden until you are pleased.”
At-Tirmidhiy recorded a hadith narrated by Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa s
sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Idhā zulzilat it will be considered the equivalent of (having recited) half the Qur’ān.”
Abū ‘Ubayd has recorded a mursal hadith related by al-Hasan who attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the following:
“Idhā zulzilat is equivalent to half the Qur’ān and al-‘Ādiyāt is (also) equivalent to half the Qur’ān.”
Al-Hākim has recorded a hadith from Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Is there not one amongst you who can recite a thousand verses (of the Qur’ān) in a day!” They said, “Who can recite a thousand verses (in one day)?” He said (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Can you not recite alhākumut takāthur?”
At-Tirmidhiy has recorded that Anas (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Qul yā ayyuhal kāfirūn is a quarter of the Qur’ān.”
Abū ‘Ubayd has recorded that Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Qul yā ayyuhal kāfirūn is equivalent to a quarter of the Qur’ān.”
Ahmad and al-Hākim have recorded a hadith narrated by Naufal ibn Mu’āwiyah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Recite Qul yā ayyuhal kāfirūn and then go to sleep with its concluding words for surely it is a protection from Shirk.”
Abū Ya’lā has recorded a hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Shall I not show you words that will protect you from associating partners with Allah (al-Ishrāk billāh)? Reciting Qul yā ayyuhal kāfirūn when going to sleep.”
At-Tirmidhiy has recorded a hadith related by Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Idhā jā’a nasrullāhi wal fath is (equivalent to) a quarter of the Qur’ān.”
Muslim and others have recorded a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Qul huwallāhu Ahad is equivalent to a third of the Qur’ān.”
Also narrated in the same section by a number of the companions.
At-Tabrāniy has recorded in his al-Awsat a hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn ash-Shikhkheer (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Qul huwallāhu Ahad during an illness in which he dies, he will not suffer tribulations in his grave and he will be safe from the squeezing of the grave. On the Day of Qiyāmah, the angels will carry him on their palms until they make him cross the sirāt into the Garden.”
At-Tirmidhiy has recorded a hadīth from Anas (r.a.) who narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Qul huwallāhu Ahad two hundred times a day his wrong actions of fifty years will be erased, except if there is a debt incumbent upon him. Whosoever wants to lie down on his bed let him lie on his right and then recite Qul huwallāhu Ahad a hundred times. Finally when the Day of Qiyāmah comes, The Lord God will say to him: O My servant enter the Garden on your right.”
At-Tabrāniy has recorded in his al-Awsat a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Qul huwallāhu Ahad ten times, a palace will be built for him in the Garden; whosoever recites twenty times, then two palaces for him; whosoever recites it thirty times, then three palaces for him.”
He (at-Tabrāniy) has recorded in his as-Sagheer a hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites Qul huwallāhu Ahad after the salāt of as-Subh twelve times it is as though he had recited the Qur’ān four times over. The best of the people of the earth on that day will be those who had taqwā.”
Ahmad has recorded a hadīth from ‘Uqbah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him:
“Shall I not teach you some sūrahs the like of which were not sent down in the taurāh or the Injeel or the Furqān?” I (‘Uqbah) said, “Yes.” He then said (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Qul huwallāhu Ahad, Qul a’ūdhu birabbil falaq and Qul a’ūdhu birabbin nās.”
He also recorded a hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him:
“Shall I not inform you of the best of that with which the one seeking refuge may do so?” I (Ibn ‘Abbās) said, “Yes.” He then said (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Qul a’ūdhu birabbil falaq and Qul a’ūdhu birabbin nās.”
Abū Dāwūd and at-Tirmidhiy have recorded a hadith narrated by Abdullāh ibn Khubayb (r.a.) who said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Recite Qul huwallāhu Ahad and the Mu’awwidhatayn thrice when night falls and when morning comes, and that will suffice for you from everything (that you are in need of and that you seek refuge from).”
Ibn as-Sunniy has recorded a hadith narrated by ‘Āishah (r.a.) that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Whosoever recites after the salāt al-jumu’ah Qul huwallāhu Ahad, Qul a’ūdhu birabbil falaq and Qul a’ūdhu birabbin nās seven times (each or in order) Allah will protect him from evil until the next jumu’ah.”
There remains more ahādīth on this matter that I have reserved for including in other specific types of classifications.
Last Word
As for the long hadith on the excellent virtues of the Qur’ān (specifying) surah by surah, it is fabricated, as has been recorded by al-Hākim in al-Madkhal with his (own) chain leading to Abī ‘Ammār al-Marwaziy, (who said) that it was said to Abī ‘Ismah al-Jāmi’: “How did you get the hadith on the excellent virtues of the Qur’ān (in which the qualities were mentioned) sūrah by sūrah (the chain of which mentions) that ‘Ikrimah narrated from Ibn ‘Abbās (r.a.) while none of ‘Ikrimah’s companions had this (hadīth)?" He (Abū ‘Ismah) said: “I saw people turning away from the Qur’ān, and becoming busy with the fiqh of Abī Hanīfah and the Maghāzī of Ibn Ishāq, so I fabricated this hadith intentionally."
Ibn Hibbān narrated in his introduction to his book Tārīkh ad-Du’afā from Ibn Mahdiy who said: “I asked Maysarah ibn ‘Abdi Rabbih, ‘From where did you bring these ahādīth (which say) whosoever recites such and such will get such and such (a reward)?’” He said, “I made it up to get people to desire it (the recitation of the Qur’ān).”
We have narrated from al-Mu’ammal ibn Ismā’īl that he said, “A Shaykh reported to me a hadith of Ubayy ibn Ka’b (r.a.) on the excellent virtues of the sūwar of the Qur’ān, sūrah by surah, and he (the Shaykh) said that a man from the cities had narrated it to him and that he is alive, so I looked for him and found him. I asked him who had narrated it to him and he said that a Shaykh from Wasit had narrated it to him and that he was still alive so I went in search of him and found him and asked him who had narrated it to him. He replied that a Shaykh in Basrah had narrated it to him and I found him and asked him who had narrated it to him and he said a Shaykh from Abadan had narrated it to him. I went to him and he took hold of my hand and brought me into a house and in it were a group of Sufi novices and with them a Shaykh and he (the one who brought me in) said that it was this Shaykh who had narrated it to him. I asked him, ‘O Shaykh, who narrated this to you?’ He replied, ‘No one narrated it to me, but we saw people had lost interest in the Qur’ān, hence we fabricated this hadīth for them so that it may move their hearts towards the Qur’ān.”
Ibn as-SalāH said, “The mufassir Al-Wāhidiy and other commentators of the Qur’ān who mentioned it had erred by including it in their commentaries.”